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OCR: Figure 9. The HH WINTYPE Structure Fleldt Description int rbStruct The size of the structure BOOT, 1UniCodeStrings; TRUE if youi pass strings toffroin the HtmlHelp function in Unicode. LPCTSTR pszType: The name of the window type you are creating, Every window is given a name so you can easily refer to it in various HumnlHelp commands, DWORD IsValid Members; A bit Field of flags, indicating which of the rehiaining fields of the structure have been set. DWORD isWinProperties. Contains various flags regarding the window. This field is only valid if the' HHIIWIN PARAM_PROPERTIES flag is present in fe ValidMembers: LPCTSTR pszCaptions This is the string displayed on the caption bar, of the windows DWORD dwStyles; Bindefault. HtmlHelp creates windows with the style WS_THICKFRAME WS OVERLAPPED.I WS_VISIBLE.You can add.styles to the default by specifying additional style flags here: If you want to have complete control over the style; you can use the flag HIWIN PROP_NODEF; STYLES inits WinProperties. This will force Html!leip to use only the style hits you supply, ignoring the default one's. If you are happy with the default style, leave this field NULL .. DWORD dwExStyles; Similar to dwStyles, except applied to the extended style bits. By default, HtmlHelp:uses the extended style WS EX WINDOWEDGE'I WS EY LEFT I WS EX LTRREADING 1; WS. EX ,RIGHTSCROLLBAR 1. WS_EX APPWINDOW : The flag .HIHIWIN PROP NODEP EXSTYLES in tsWinProperties can be used to prevent the default extended styles from being added to the ones you specify. If you are happy with the default stylo, leave this field NULL, RECT teWindow Pos ;. By default, the tri-pane window is displayed near the upper-right corner of the screen, By adding the UHWIN'PARA M_RECT flag to faValidMembers, you can supply a customh location and size for the window in the re Windowl'os field .. int nShow State: By default, the help window is created visible and in the restored (non-maximized) state, You can also niake the window appear maximized or minimized by supplying a value ib this field. Accepted values are SW_HIDE, SW_MAXIMIZE, SW. MINIMIZE, SW.RESTORE, and the other. values accepted by the Show Window Al'I fimction. If you supply a value in hShowState, make sure you set the HHWIN_PARAM_SHOWSTATE fagin is ValidMembers, HWND.hwadHelp: This field is filled on return by cercain HtmlHelp commands, such as HII SET WIN_TYPE; indicating the handle of the tri pane window HIND hwad Caller; You must set this field with the handle of the window controlling the help window The controlling window can receive notification messages from the help window when the user clicke toolbar buttons or changes topics. HH INFOTYPE" palnfoTypes; This field allows you to specify an array of I'Ts for the TOC ., Version 1.0 of the Iltmillelp API doesn't support this field. . HWND hundTool Bar; This field returns the handle of the toolbar pane. HWND hwndNavigation; This field returns the handle of the navigation pane containing the IIIICTRL ActiveX navigation control HUND ; HwHAHTML; This field returns the handle of the thpic pone, which appears in the lower-right portionof thetri pane window. nt iNavWidth:" Use this field to override the default width of the navigator pane containing the TOC, The value is in pixels; If you specify a value: make sure you also set the HTHWIN, PARAM NAV WIDTH flag in IsvalidMember ;. The HTML, Help documentation; incorrectly states that HHWIN_PARAM, NAV_WIDTH affects the reNavigation member, a defunct remnant from early stages in HTML Help development; RECT rcHTML; This field returns the bounding rectangle of the topic pane displayed in the lower-right of- the tri-pane window. The rectangle is in client coordinates of the tri-pane window. LPCTSTR parroc; This is the location of the hhe sitemap file containing your-TOC, You normally create:bht files using a tool like HHW. The location may be in the local file system or at a remote Web sitt For local files, tee a URL of the type filenevyHelpSystem/M. TOC.the; The navigation pane can contain'a TOG,uh index; and.a Search tab.If you specify, more than one item, the navigation pane'is created with tabs for each control, If you only specify one' itemi; that item is displayed without using tabs, If you don't want a 10 G, set the paz Toc Continued on page. 66 field to a blank string or a NULL